T2 kms team omron 5 4
60 kms team omron anwendungen 2 1

Rede­fi­ning a Ja­pa­nese Hero Brand

OMRON Healthcare We advised and supported OMRON Healthcare, the world’s leading producer of medical devices, in restructuring their brand and their global brand man­age­ment. The Japanese company has a clear mission: to promote good health and help people live their lives to the fullest.

OMRON is facing the chal­lenges posed by a diverse field of com­petitors, locally dom­inated markets, a wide range of products and new re­quire­ments for digital services. Our job was to develop a unique pos­ition­ing and visual identity that would set OMRON apart from the com­petition. The goal: to make the brand more global and more human – meaning closer to the patient – while giving it a more digital presence.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Change management & culture
  • Corporate design
  • Brand academy & training
The Koishi is based on the product design and gives the brand an un­mis­tak­able face.

Patrick Märki

The main idea, »Full of life, full of love«, focuses on people while giving the brand a new tone of voice – one that builds on creative and strategic principles, lending a new emotional element to all touch points. The focused use of the brand's blue colour is com­ple­men­ted by a distinctive se­con­dary brand element: the Koishi (The rounded brand element, inspired by a small stone called Koishi), derived from the product.

61 kms team omron anwendungen 2 1
Digital services

We defined a series of ex­per­ience prin­ciples for all digital ap­pli­cat­ions and optimised digital offerings, like asthma diaries or remote patient moni­toring services, for UX/UI and brand compliance. A new motion identity lends an ad­ditional dimension to the brand com­muni­cation, making it more emotional and re­cog­nis­able.

A new motion identity lends an ad­ditional di­men­sion to the brand com­mun­ica­tion, making it more emotional and re­cog­nis­able.

Gabriel Weiss

We wanted to keep the brand’s Japanese principles while be­coming more global. The goal was to be in­de­pen­dent – not gen­eri­cally Western.

Vera Schnitzlein

Intercultural collaboration

How could we achieve mutual under­stand­ing and compre­hen­sion over an 18-month process and a distance of 9,234 km? We chose a semi-agile approach for our col­la­bor­at­ion, guided by shared mile­stones, check-ins and road­map ad­justments. Defining shared goals and factors for success in advance was just as important.

After 4 personal meetings, over 100 Zoom calls, 97 pres­en­ta­tions and 2,241 email threads, we can say that we took the right ap­proach. From the analysis to the de­ve­lop­ment phase and the im­ple­men­ta­tion including brand training sessions, we suc­cess­fully guided all markets (Japan, Asia-Pacific, Europe, America) through the project.

OMRON Healthcare

OMRON Healthcare is a global leader in health moni­toring and therapy devices, with a wide range of products, including blood pressure monitors, nebulizers, and pain man­age­ment solutions. Head­quart­ered in Japan, OMRON Healthcare operates in over 110 countries, delivering reliable, high-quality solutions for both personal and professional healthcare needs.

Services and results
  • As a long-term partner of OMRON Healthcare, we es­tab­lished a global brand as part of an in­ter­na­tio­nal brand man­age­ment strategy.

  • Our solutions in corporate identity, corporate design, brand man­age­ment, and process design sup­ported the inter­national re­align­ment of the Kyoto-based central brand man­age­ment, creating the foun­dation for a globally cohesive brand.
  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Change management & culture
  • Corporate design
  • Brand academy & training