voestalpineBrand museum

voestalpine is an Austrian steel com­pany with opera­tions around the world. »voest­alpine Stahl­welt« in Linz brings the material and its history to life: 80 chrome-plated steel balls up to 2.50 metres in diameter are arranged in the molecular structure of iron, defining the shape of the facility.

  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Film & animation
  • Spatial branding
01 kms team voestalpine experience 1 16 9
Corporate design and spatial branding

When visitors enter the entrance foyer, they instinc­tively look up at a cru­cible flood­ed with pulsating light, and »atoms« of melted steel floating in mid-air. 80 chrome-plated steel balls are com­pletely sur­rounded by a 700 m2 housing filled with LED lights, creating a fasci­nating and surreal look.

The multiple reflections of LED light caused by the sur­rounding lights them­selves as well as the mirrored effect between the balls blurs the boundaries be­tween the actual con­struc­tion and the media display – for inter­esting insights into the structure of steel. »voest­alpine Stahl­welt« is a new generation of brand museum in which a mini­malistic archi­tec­tural space is created to showcase the brand and exhibitions


voestalpine is a globally leading steel and tech­nology group with a unique combi­nation of materials and processing expertise. With its top-quality products and system solutions, the company is a leading partner to the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as the aerospace and oil & gas industries. voestalpine is the world market leader in railway systems, tool steel, and special sections.

  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Film & animation
  • Spatial branding