A merger for the
next generation

iprona This is the inspiring story of the en­trepre­neurial Philipp family, who merged five in­depen­dent com­panies in the food industry. With our support, they created a shared brand identity that creates new oppor­tuni­ties for the next generation. The aim was to make the busi­nes­ses more com­petitive in the market and establish a strong foun­da­tion all 600 employees could identi­fy with.

  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Logo design
  • Brand & corporate communication
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Five different identities in three countries

The original com­pany, Bayern­wald, was founded in 1923. Over time, the family acquired other com­panies in Austria and Italy. These all made their mark in the bever­age and ingre­dient sector thanks to their inno­vative tech­nolo­gies and ex­pertise in pro­cessing fruit. The family faced the challenge of uniting these in­depen­dent com­panies into one that is more than just the sum of its parts – for the next genera­tion.

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Making bold de­cisions, taking ground-breaking steps and being there for each other is the spirit of and foun­dation for our suc­cess.

The en­trepre­neurial family

One strong shared identity

We started by analysing the five com­panies, their indi­vidual cultures, values and strengths. We worked with the de­cision-makers to define a vision for the future and ex­pec­ta­tions of the new um­brella brand. This provided the basis for us to develop one over­arching brand strategy. The new iprona brand reflects the essence of all com­panies and the values of the founding family, posi­tioning them as a leading player in the in­dustry.

One visual and linguistic entity

iprona stands for »Indus­trial Produc­tion of Natural Ingredients«. It’s easy for people around the world to pro­nounce and re­pre­sents the family’s as­piration to produce natural, high-quality foods. The new logo visualises the com­pany’s know­ledge of the taste and function of fruit essences. The idea: A drop falls on the tongue, changing it to an intense colour that sym­bolises the ex­perience of tasting.

The com­pany processes all types of fruit, which makes it possible to use the logo in a wide variety of colours. The primary colour, violet, is consistent with the company’s core com­peten­cy of processing red and blue fruits.

The three-part headline and image system, »we make taste«, illus­trates the com­pany’s process exper­tise and the bene­fit for the cus­tomers. The variation »we make health« expresses the healthy quality of the in­gre­dients. It’s possible to use this construc­tion in a variety of ways, e.g. »we make colors«.

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A secure future for the next generation

Lutz Philipp, iprona share­holder and President of the Super­visory Board, explains: »Making bold de­cisions, taking ground-breaking steps and being there for each other is the spirit of and founda­tion for our suc­cess.«

The five once in­depen­dent loca­tions are now unified under a strong um­brella brand. The ten grand­child­ren that make up the next genera­tion can con­tinue the family’s legacy, leveraging synergies and bringing the company to new heights.

Nadine Nadler, Strategy Director KMS TEAM adds: »This project is an ex­ample of how branding can shape the future of a company. At KMS TEAM, we believe in the power of the brand identi­ty to do more than just tell stories. It also creates oppor­tunities for the future.«

This project is an ex­ample of how brand­ing can shape the fu­ture of a com­pany.

Nadine Nadler, Strategy Director KMS TEAM

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iprona is one of the most impor­tant inter­natio­nal fruit processing com­panies. Their range of products in­cludes con­cen­trates made of berries, citrus fruits and tropical fruits, infusions and colouring food­stuffs, func­tional poly­phenol extracts and made-to-order bases for beverages.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Brand & corporate communication