iF Award for Work-Life-Banking of Zürcher Kantonal­bank

6/1/2022 We join the team from Zürcher Kantonal­bank in cel­ebrating our 2022 iF Design Award in the »Company Branding« category. We didn’t miss our oppor­tunity to receive the award person­ally at the iF Design Night at Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast.

01 kms team if award 2022 Einreichung 14 10

Zürcher Kantonal­bank’s brand promise is »We are the bank that is close to you«. The designers asked how this promise should look, feel and sound in today’s world. Mean­while, banking habits are changing rapidly, marked by new topics, mind­sets, com­petitors, and reshaped by a global pan­demic. How can a user inter­face create a feeling of »closeness«?

ZKB is based in the canton of Zurich and is com­mitted to Zurich’s well-being economi­cally, ecologi­cally, and socially. The designers helped ZKB redefine its stra­tegic aims and client needs and express them in a whole new tangible brand promise »close to you.« The idea of »close­ness« is an over­arching design prin­ciple in the redesign and in the bank's inter­actions. Now, Zürcher Kantonal­bank is »close« to the needs of its many different clients – from business to private cus­tomers, and in planning for the future.

The iF DESIGN AWARD is one of the world’s most renowned design acco­lades. Organised in Germany since 1953, iF has been a reliable label synony­mous with design excel­lence – for con­sumers as well as the design community. Each year, inter­national design experts come together to honour the best designs. With nearly 11,000 sub­missions in 82 cat­egories from 57 countries, 2022 marked the largest iF DESIGN AWARD of all time.